Our Women’s Ministry has the aim of encouraging ladies to learn how valuable they are in God’s eyes, and supporting them to live out this truth practically in daily life.
Isaiah 62:3 (Amp): “You shall also be [so beautiful and prosperous as to be thought of as] a crown of glory and honour in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem (exceedingly beautiful) in the hand of your God.”
We meet together monthly to pray, learn and relate together. We run outreach evenings three times a year, when women from around the area are welcome to join us for worship, teaching and food.
The highlight of the year is our annual ‘Women of Value Conference’ in February. Our first conference saw nearly 100 ladies come together for a powerful day of teaching and ministry with anointed guest speakers and ministers. We are excited to build on this in the coming years.
Check out the website for details of upcoming events.
For more information about Women of Value, contact Pastor Jenny Poole.